Q Why treatment set up for One Session?
I try for possible pain relief for every person some person have a only 15mint's good result ( I make for 15 mint's -3hours for One session)
Q What is Pain Relief??
What Kind of Treatment???
A Pain Relief is Totally difference of treatment style !!
That is no touch for pain spot and possible soft short treatment time
but good result better then any other therapy!!
Q Why many client book for the Pain Relief ???
A Because
Many client went a Dr or other therapist but not good result,
and many Dr recommend ,,that is muscle nervous problem is not Dr territory ( we are every person is difference ,,for job , hobby ,
life style and body or medical history,,,ets)
what I want say ,, we a not exactly manual book!!
Q What is Pain Relief ?
What Kind of Treatment ????
A Pain Relief is Totally difference
Q How long take a Pain Relief treatment?
A I think time is not important!
important is how much possible reduce your pain?
pain relief is totally new treatment style
no one this treatment in Australia
that is possible short time but good result
for example
if you went a Dentist
one is take 1 hour one is only 10 mints but same result
( this time why you ask for Dentist ,, please more 50 mint's
for treatment?)
which dentist you choose??
Q what you looking for body treatment?
A I looking for and try different angle approach for treatment
that is many client come and appointment after visited a Dr,
Physio, Chiro,
* Pain Relief treatment is
no Massage
no rub
no Push
no Cracking
no touch pain spot