What kind...Treatment?
That is good question ..
my treatment is Made to Order!!
Difference a ordinary massage . Chiro. Physio
very hard for explain ..
I have a make for Demonstration my treatment !!
and client decide ,.. try or not.
if client decide ... try for my treatment ..
I make a made to order client treatment
I try to possible soft gentle. not burden to client body also
sort time but high quality as a result.
Only 2 second shoulder & back stiff relief??
you can believe that??
Long times
I looking for possible have a short time treatment
for example
if you visit a Acupuncturist
one Acupuncturist only 2.3 acupuncture use
other Acupuncturist use more than 100 acupuncture
(after treatment both the same result)
if you are client ,,,, which treatment want to do??
If real treatment is
No burden for client body
No cracking
No push harder
No pain position
No looking only pain spot
and possible soft and short time treatment
but almost same or more result for 30mint's or 60 mint's
other treatment .
I think!!
I get a this time so amazing technique!!
I can make a more and more reduce for
stiff and pain shoulder or lower back !!
that is take a only 2.3 second.
Human body is so amazing
touch for so soft . soon will respond with
Natural healing power!!
( everyone have this power!!)
What mysterious a human ( you and me of course they too) body
Heart = 25 billion times pulsation for LIfe
10 ton send out a blood a day
never take a cancer
Heartbeat has change for listening music
Brain =Nerve impulse is more than 300K/hr be transmitted
in nerve fiber
Skin =most largest organ
most thick place ..foot heels that is 4mm
most thin place ...eyelid that is 0,5mm
Bone =300 bones for baby 206 bones for adult
26 years adult have 25bones for foot
54 bones for hand ( incl,,wrist)
Tongue =have a more than 10000 dlicate protrusion
tongue pattern is like fingerprint ( every person
have a different pattern)
Muscle =We make a one step out at time about 200
muscle move together!
Eye =our human eye have a possible recognition color is more than 100billion
Almost I foget a this feel,,, How about you are!!
I had problem a Lower back stiff that is long long time !!
( that is I want try for study make a wish become specialist)
anyway story is
when I had a so stiff sometimes pain for my lower back!
I leatn and study try for a lot of different treatment
oneday when I walk a street I feel so good feeling is so
nice just I want say feel great!!
I found it that is my lower back fell no stiff no pain at all!!
That is lake prolonged rain stop and I see dazzling sun and deep blue sky
that time just I think
That is very very normal body ,, healthy person body feel
but almost I forget a this
On the other hand I think about my client
many client come for problem shoulder or back pain person
They a also almost forget a this great feel
feel lake more then 10 years younger body!!
I wish can possible try all my client have a this feel!!
I like a this Word
you can lead a horse to water ,,, but you can't make it drink
Thank you!!
Thank you to coming for Treatment
How do you like ? difference treatment?
I hope you like
I wish make for more good treatment style for each client
that is meaning..
me and you (client) talk for
what kind treatment best for you !! and point
also I make a advice a some treatment style that the reason
Of course best way is
client no more pain or don't take a pain killer tablet!!
why? Recommend.....
Other day my client ask to me
[why many Dr recommend to your treatment ,,,Sammy}
That is good question
I tell story
One day I talk to my friend Dr
[why recommend for my treatment?]
Dr said
[ That is so simple Sammy because me( Dr) ,Chiro ,Physio Therapist of course study hard.. but you know we a human every single person have a different,, not Exactly manual
for example Lower Back pain
That is 85% don't find a from where what cause?
but you know many Chiro, Physio, and Dr also focus for pain spot
or treatment for surrounding a pain spot only or give to prescription of pain killer for client
your treatment is totally different that is why,, recommend
but you know Sammy some DR, Chiro, Physio is so good therapist ]
my task is how can description for my client?